How Obama Officials Dodge the Freedom of Information Act
Despite claiming to run “the most transparent administration in history,” the gulf between President Obama’s words and actions is wide indeed. Even with the tools that your Judicial Watch uses extensively, like Freedom of Information Act requests, it is difficult to get the truth out of the government with its inclination to secrecy and bureaucratic inaction. John Fund notes this when discussing one of the recent developments in the IRS scandal broken by us, where Lois Lerner was shown to be using a second email account:
“Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, says there is evidence that the Obama Justice Department and the IRS have known about the Toby Miles account for some time but chose not to tell the court. A House committee months ago urged that a criminal inquiry of Lerner be initiated by the Justice Department, but so far it has been ignored.”
You can read the full story of Federal Government stonewalling by clicking the link below.