Illegal Immigrant Driving Certificates On Black Market
In 2004 Tennessee became the first state to offer illegal immigrants driving certificates and the plan has backfired in a big way. It turns out that the certificates are hot black-market items that have been purchased by illegal aliens in numerous states, not just Tennessee.
Recent federal arrests exposed shuttles that bring South and Central American immigrants from other states, like New Jersey, to licensing centers in Knoxville where the certificates are obtained. Another federal sweep revealed a conspiracy in which license examiners in Murfreesboro accepted bribes in exchanged for the driving certificates.
The attorney for a woman accused of bringing 100 immigrants from New Jersey to Knoxville for certificates said the government is overreacting because his client represents workers, not terrorists. “None of these Mexican immigrants are in flight school anywhere,” he said.
Fire and Hammer points out that this case proves that when you make up a law to help justify an illegal activity, you encourage more illegal activity. If Tennessee wants to stop “outsiders” from taking advantage of this law, they only have to commit to putting handcuffs on anyone (from inside or outside the state) who shows up to get a certificate. They are after all illegal immigrants.