Illegal Immigration Peak Since Terrorist Attacks
More than half of the 10.3 million immigrants who arrived in the U.S. after the terrorist attacks entered the country illegally and overwhelming percentages of immigrants in several major states remain undocumented.
A new and alarming study using the latest U.S. Census figures reveals that nearly 6 million illegal immigrants have entered the country in the last seven years, marking the highest period of illegal immigration in U.S. history despite government claims of heightened border security.
Furthermore, huge illegal immigrant populations have practically taken over in several key states, including Arizona (65% of immigrants are undocumented), Texas (50%), Colorado (40%), Florida (30%) and California (28%).
Not surprisingly, the majority of illegal aliens—nearly 60%–come from Mexico with around 11% coming from Central America, 9% from East Asia, 8% from South America and 4% from Europe and the Caribbean.
Scattered with informative graphs and charts, the lengthy report offers break downs of illegal immigrant populations by state, poverty among those groups, employment patterns, the effect illegal immigrants have on the nation’s public schools and how many receive public assistance.
For instance, nearly half of the immigrant population in New York gets U.S. taxpayer-funded welfare benefits with 48% in California and 44% in Texas. As for public schools, the report states that immigration accounts for virtually all of the national increase in enrollment over the last 20 years and that nearly 11 million immigrant children attend public schools in 2007.