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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


In The News

Fauci Should Drop the Mask on Wuhan

From Tom Fitton’s Op-Ed for the Washington Times:

While our masks come off, Dr. Anthony Fauci still wears his mask of secrecy – one that cloaks the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ response to COVID-19. The time for an honest discussion regarding Dr. Fauci’s leadership and actions during the pandemic is long overdue.

Scientists have learned a great deal about the coronavirus, including how it transmits and attacks the body and crucially, how to treat patients and create seemingly effective vaccines. However, scientists are requesting more information that they say is necessary to determine how COVID-19 originated and became a pandemic in order to develop strategies to prevent such a pandemic from ever again visiting such destruction upon humanity. But to this day, Dr. Fauci and NIAID have steadfastly refused to release documents that would help answer this and many other important questions.

Over the past year, Judicial Watch has bird-dogged Dr. Fauci’s records through the Freedom of Information Act. And when FOIA requests were ignored, Judicial Watch filed lawsuits compelling NIAID to comply. Although the agency continues its unprecedented stonewalling, it has released at least some documents, some of which are deeply troubling. In one instance, Dr. Fauci approved a press release that was specifically designed to praise China’s initial response to the coronavirus. In an even more troubling case, officials from the NIH tailored confidentiality forms to China’s terms, and the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted an unreleased, “strictly confidential” COVID-19 epidemiological analysis in January 2020.

These records reveal an agency so focused on global politics (protecting China) that urgent concerns about the coronavirus and about the Chinese government’s opaque conduct often took a back seat. As Dr. Fauci and his legal team of government lawyers slow roll the release of these key documents it is fair to ask what else is hiding in records that they defiantly refuse to yield.

We won’t know the answer to that question until Dr. Fauci and the federal government complies with our FOIA lawsuit and other public demands for information about what happened in the Wuhan, China, epicenter of the global pandemic. One theory holds that the virus jumped from bats to humans, sparking the pandemic. The medical science community also holds accidental release from a laboratory to be feasible theory, and which World Health Organization director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said needs to be further investigated.

Read M0re Here.


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