Judicial Watch Attorney Michael Bekesha to Testify at Public Hearing of the PA State Government Committee on Voter Fraud Bills
Contact Information:
Press Office 202-646-5172, ext 305
Confidence in the integrity of our electoral processes is essential to the functioning of our participatory democracy. Voter fraud drives honest citizens out of the democratic process and breeds distrust of our government. Voters who fear their legitimate votes will be outweighed by fraudulent ones will feel disenfranchised.
The two pending bills seek to require voters to present photo identification before voting. The Supreme Court as well as other courts around the county have held that such a requirement is constitutional and an effective way to safeguard voter confidence and protect the integrity of the electoral process.
- When: Monday, March 21, 2011
12:45 PM ET - Where: Irvis Office Building
Room G-50
Harrisburg, PA