Judicial Watch Statement regarding the Supreme Court Ruling on Campaign Finance Reform
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued the following statement in response to today’s United States Supreme Court 5-4 ruling, which struck down major provisions related government restrictions on political speech.
“The First Amendment has been vindicated by the High Court. Judicial Watch believes that better enforcement of bribery and extortion laws are key to fighting government corruption – not self-serving restrictions on free speech by politicians. Allowing full participation in our nation’s political process for citizens acting through corporations will do more to hold corrupt politicians accountable than any campaign finance restriction or bureaucratic regulation.”
Judicial Watch filed an amicus curiae brief in support of free speech in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Judicial Watch argued in its brief that:
- Political speech is at the heart of the First Amendment and is entitled to the broadest protection.
- Unlike contributions to candidates, independent expenditures, which are not coordinated with a candidate or campaign, do not pose a danger of corruption or its appearance.
- The Supreme Court has consistently invalidated legislative attempts at limiting or restricting corporate expenditures as violative of First Amendment free speech.