Judicial Watch subpoenas Google in ongoing hunt for Hillary Clinton missing emails

From BizPac Review:
Legal watchdog group Judicial Watch has served Google with a subpoena for all emails believed to be linked to an account used by 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton during her tenure as President Obama’s secretary of state.
According to a press release, the subpoena — which was authorized by a federal court in Washington, D.C. — Platte River Network IT specialist Paul Combetta reportedly accessed the Google account to move Clinton’s emails from a laptop to the firm’s servers before using a program called Bleachbit to destroy the emails and remove all traces of them the computer.
The watchdog said it wants Google to turn over all of Clinton’s emails dating from her time as secretary of state — Jan. 21, 2009 – Feb. 1, 2013. The tech behemoth has until May 13 to produce the emails.
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