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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

Lawmaker’s Son Smuggles Illegal Immigrants, Drugs

The son of a prominent Florida politician seeking a seventh term in the U.S. House this fall has been caught smuggling illegal immigrants and drugs into the United States through Arizona.

Democrat Allen Boyd, who represents the northwest Florida region known as the Panhandle in Congress, would like the media to vanish regarding this shameful incident and has issued a statement reminding the press that “this is a family matter that my family and I will be dealing with privately.”

Try telling that to Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, whose pregnant teenaged daughter got raked over the coals by the so-called mainstream media. In other words, the offspring of a prominent public personality is fair game.

In this case a veteran lawmaker’s 30-year-old son (John Boyd) got busted entering the country with illegal immigrants, narcotics and a loaded weapon tucked under a piece of plywood in the bed of his pickup truck. U.S. Border Patrol agents discovered the cargo at a border checkpoint near the tiny Arizona town of Willcox when a search dog indicated people might be hiding in the vehicle.

The younger Boyd eventually admitted to federal officials that he picked the illegal immigrants up in the desert. Two of the illegal immigrants told authorities they were going to pay $3,000 to be taken to their final U.S. destination.

Ironically, papa Boyd was one of only two Democrats in the 90-member House Immigration Reform Caucus which supports increased enforcement and penalties for illegal immigration. Boyd is also an influential leader of a conservative group of House Democrats called the Blue Dog Coalition.


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