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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

Mayor Keeps Stimulus Projects Secret

The scandal-plagued mayor of a major city long targeted by federal investigators for corruption refuses to disclose a list of projects that will be funded with economic stimulus money when Congress approves the plan in the next few weeks.

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley says he has compiled a wish list of “shovel-ready projects” to spend the federal funds but, unlike hundreds of other mayors nationwide, he won’t reveal the details. Daley told the local newspaper that Chicago’s list is secret because once it’s made public, the “media is going to be ripping it apart.”

When a reporter asked why he’s not more transparent, the six-term Democrat mayor snapped back: “Read some of your newspapers.” 

Could he be referring to the media coverage of his notoriously corrupt administration, well known for its free-flowing clout and patronage? In fact, during municipal elections a few years ago, the Windy City had the dubious honor of having on its ballot a mayor under federal investigation, four politicians who served jail time for fraud and a sitting councilwoman charged with bribery.

Over the years dozens of Daley Administration officials have been indicted and many, including the mayor’s patronage chief, have been convicted of fraud, taking bribes and the disappearance of 840 truckloads of asphalt intended for public projects. Daley’s former deputy water commissioner also pleaded guilty to taking bribes and shaking down companies for political contributions.


Biden Crisis Update!

Judicial Watch Warns Oregon to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit Judicial Watch Suit Seeks Edited Transcripts of Biden Special Counsel Interviews Statement on ...

Judicial Watch Sues Justice Dept for Communications with Biden White House Regarding Edited Transcripts…

Press Releases | July 26, 2024
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice for records of communication between the ag...

Pentagon DEI Budget Surges for Military-Wide Woke Training to Root out “White Privilege”

Corruption Chronicles | July 25, 2024
The Pentagon dedicates tens of millions of dollars annually to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs throughout the armed forces and cadets...