NewsLink: How Judicial Watch Uncovered FBI FISA Abuse

Exposing the egregious misconduct behind the FBI’s FISA Warrant Application, the IG Report prompted FISA Court Judge Rosemary Collyer to openly rebuke the FBI’s practices in the FISA Warrant process. Judicial Watch uncovered the FBI’s FISA abuse as early as July of 2018, when it discovered that the warrant application process to spy on Page and other Trump campaign associates had been based on the false allegations of the Steele dossier, whose unreliability the FBI was well aware of. Read below to find out more about Judicial Watch’s indispensable role in uncovering the FBI’s FISA abuse.
From USA Today:
Judge says the FBI misled FISA court when seeking permission to wiretap a former Trump campaign aide – (12/17/2019)
A secretive court that approves sensitive surveillance issued a rare public rebuke of the FBI on Tuesday, saying the bureau misled the Justice Department and the court when it sought permission to wiretap a former Trump campaign aide.
Read More Here.
From Judicial Watch:
1. Judicial Watch Obtains Carter Page FISA Court Documents (7/21/2018)
The warrants are controversial because the FISA court was never told that the key information justifying the requests came from a “dossier” that was created by Fusion GPS, a paid agent of the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee.
Read the Full Story Here.
2. Judicial Watch Forces Disclosure of FISA Warrants Targeting Trump Team (7/30/2018)
President Trump declassified the “Nunes Memo” which discussed the Carter Page Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants abuses. And Judicial Watch quickly sued as the FISA material could now be made public. In April the DOJ told the court that it would have something by July 20, last Friday. That day passed, but late the next day, late on Saturday, Justice released a heavily redacted 412-page document.
Read the Full Story Here.
3. The FBI and DOJ Massively Volated the Law (12/9/2019)
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton: “Today’s IG report on the Russiagate FISA abuse provides abundant evidence that the FBI and DOJ massively violated the law in order to obtain the Carter Page spy warrants targeting President Trump. As IG reports are both exposés and cover-ups at the same time, it is no surprise that the IG punted on implicating senior officials directly in the spy scandal.”
Read the Full Story Here.