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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


In The News

NewsLink: Human Trafficking on the U.S. – Mexico Border

Human smuggling across our Nation’s southern border is a very real threat, and it’s an issue which Judicial Watch has reported on closely in recent years. This week, yet another group of illegals have been apprehended at the border in Texas, aided and abetted by U.S. Citizens. Read the Breitbart story below to hear more about the connections between Islamic terrorist groups and the Mexican drug cartel – a connection which Judicial Watch drew months ago thanks to its tireless investigative efforts.

From Breitbart:

Human Smuggling Attempt Busted near Texas Border — Six Arrested (10/31/2019)

“Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents disrupted a complex human smuggling incident involving multiple vehicles. The interdiction of the vehicles led to the arrests of six suspected human smugglers and 14 Mexican migrants, according to a Friday announcement.

Brackettville Station Border Patrol agents received information on October 24 from a 911 call regarding a vehicle believed to be picking up migrants on a remote roadway, according to Del Rio Sector officials. This is a common human smuggling tactic after migrants are marched through ranches around inland immigration checkpoints.

The agents responded to the remote area near Brackettville, Texas, and observed the reported white Ford F-250 pickup described by the caller. The agents began to follow the truck which then attempted to speed away.

Following a short pursuit, the driver drove off the road and the occupants attempted to flee on foot. Agents conducted a search of the area and found the driver, a 34-year-old U.S. citizen from Austin, Texas. They also found six migrant males.

A search of the truck also revealed a seventh migrant who the smuggler locked in the truck’s toolbox. The migrant had no means of escape in the event of a crash or being abandoned by smugglers, officials stated.

A short time later, the agents conducted a traffic stop on a 2015 black Jeep Patriot in the same vicinity as the earlier incident. Agents interviewed the driver, a 20-year-old female, and her passenger, a 20-year-old male. Both were determined to be U.S. citizens from Georgetown and Austin, Texas, respectively.”

Read the Full Article Here.

From Judicial Watch:

1. Thousands of Illegal Aliens from Terrorist Nations Live in the U.S. Even After Being “Deported” (10/31/2019)Months after Judicial Watch reported that migrants from terrorist nations try to enter the U.S. via Mexico at record rates, government figures show that more than 10,000 illegal aliens from countries that sponsor terrorism currently live here. It’s not clear how they entered the country but federal authorities know about them because they have either been deported or have final removal orders pending. Nevertheless, they are not in custody and roam freely in unsuspecting communities throughout America.

The distressing statistics were obtained from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) by a public interest group that favors secure borders and exposes the harms of mass migration. The Washington D.C. nonprofit filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and made the figures public this month. They show 10,340 non-detained illegal immigrants from Iran, Syria, Sudan and North Korea on ICE’s national docket as of June 2018. Iran tops the list with 6,331, followed by Syria (2,128), Sudan (1,860) and North Korea (21). All four countries have been designated as sponsors of terrorism by the State Department.

The U.S. government has determined that Iran is the “foremost state sponsor of terrorism” because it provides a range of support, including financial, training and equipment, to groups worldwide, particularly Hezbollah. Syria is also a hotbed of Hezbollah militants and Al Qaeda-linked jihadists. A recent RAND Corporation study concluded that the most significant threat to the United States comes from terrorist groups operating in a handful of Middle Eastern countries that include Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The State Department also classifies Syria as a dangerous country plagued by terrorism. “There is a terrorist threat from violent extremist groups including the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, (ISIL), formerly known as al-Qa’ida in Iraq (AQ), the al-Nusrah Front, and others,” according to the State Department assessment. “Tactics for these groups include the use of suicide bombers, kidnapping, use of small and heavy arms, and improvised explosive devices in major city centers, including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr.”

Read More Here.

2. El Paso a Major Smuggling Route for Mexican Drugs, Illegal Aliens, & Islamic Terrorists (2/10/2019)

“President Donald Trump’s El Paso visit is a great opportunity to point out that the west Texas city is a rats’ nest of law enforcement corruption, a major smuggling route into the U.S. for Mexican drugs, illegal immigrants, and Islamic terrorists and the headquarters of a sophisticated narco-terror ring operated by two of the FBI’s most wanted. While local officials promote it as one of America’s safest cities, Judicial Watch has exposed in a years-long investigation the disturbing reality gripping the municipality that sits along the Rio Grande across famously violent Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says El Paso is a major hub for Mexican opioids and methamphetamine enroute to the rest of the United States. Just a few days ago U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released figures showing that the El Paso sector had an astounding 1,588% increase in illegal immigrant apprehensions during the first month of 2019 compared to the first month of 2018. Most are coming from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Drugs and Central Americans aren’t the only things being smuggled in through El Paso. Islamic terrorists are also making it into the U.S. with the help of Mexican drug cartels. Judicial Watch exposed an operation in which Mexican drug cartels smuggle foreigners from countries with terrorist links into a small rural town near El Paso by using remote farm roads—rather than interstates—to elude the Border Patrol and other law enforcement barriers. The foreigners are classified as Special Interest Aliens (SIA) and are transported to stash areas in Acala, a rural crossroads located around 54 miles from El Paso on a state road – Highway 20. Once in the U.S., the SIAs wait for pick-up in the area’s sand hills just across Highway 20.”

Read the Full Story Here.

3. Bangladeshi Smuggler in Mexico Busted Amid Rise in Migrants from Terrorist Nations (9/17/2019)

Earlier this year a congressional probe revealed that migrants from terrorist nations are trying to enter the United States through Mexico at record rates. Among the most alarming statistics included in the investigative report was an astounding 300% increase in Bangladeshi nationals attempting to sneak into the country through Texas alone. This month federal authorities arrested a Mexican-based Bangladeshi smuggler in Houston and charged him with bringing in 15 fellow countrymen through the Texas-Mexico border. His name is Milon Miah and he lives in Tapachula, in the southeast Mexican state of Chiapas bordering Guatemala. Just a few months ago Judicial Watch reported large groups of Africans, Indians, Bangladeshis, Afghans, Syrians and Pakistanis are in Tapachula awaiting asylum in the U.S. as part of the monstrous Central American caravan.

Africa is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism, according to the State Department, and Bangladesh is a South-Asian Islamic country well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). Last year 630 Bangladeshi nationals tried to enter the U.S. illegally in Laredo, Texas alone, marking the 300% increase from the previous year. The figures help confirm what Judicial Watch uncovered years ago as part of an ongoing investigation into the national security threats created by the porous southern border;  Mexico is a hotbed of Islamic terrorism that immediately threatens the U.S. Islamic jihadists are training in southern border towns near American cities and have joined forces with Mexican drug cartels to infiltrate the United States. A few years ago, a high-ranking Homeland Security official confirmed to Judicial Watch that Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the U.S. to explore targets for future attacks. Among the jihadists that traveled back and forth through the porous southern border was a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso. Another was a Saudi Al Qaeda operative, Adnan G. El Shurkrjumah, wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during his cross-border jaunts.

Lately Bangladesh has had a greater presence in the Mexican border region though Syria and Yemen are also well represented. In the recent Texas case, the Bangladeshi smuggler was arrested after arriving on a flight at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. The feds say that, from March 2017 to August 2018, Miah brought 15 Bangladeshi nationals to the United States at the Texas border in exchange for payment. He housed and fed the illegal aliens in Tapachula then provided them with plane tickets to locations in northern Mexico, according to federal prosecutors. One of his associates, Moktar Hossain, has pleaded guilty for his role in the illicit scheme. Hossain handled operations in Monterrey, in the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, where the aliens would stay before the last leg of their trek to the United States. “Hossain paid drivers to transport the aliens to the U.S. border, and gave them instructions how to cross the Rio Grande River,” according a statement issued by federal prosecutors in Texas.

Read the Full Story Here.


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