NewsWatch: How Judicial Watch Is Fighting Voter Fraud in 19 Counties

A new Judicial Watch investigation revealed that 378 counties across the country have voter registration rates that exceed 100% of the adult population. In response, Judicial Watch has taken an active role in the fight against these irregularities, warning 19 counties in 5 states to clean up their voter rolls or face legal action. Scroll down to read how your Judicial Watch donations are being used to fight voter fraud across the Nation.
From Judicial Watch:
Judicial Watch has sent notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states that it intends to sue unless the jurisdictions take steps to comply with the voter registration act and remove ineligible voter registrations within 90 days.
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From Real Clear Politics:
Five States Face Federal Lawsuit Over Inaccurate Voter Registrations
In 378 U.S. counties, voter registration rates exceed 100% of the adult population, meaning there are more voter registrations on file than the total voting-age population, according to a new analysis by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.
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From The Washington Times:
Just in Time for Super Tuesday: Voter Rolls Clogged With 2.5 Million Mystery Names
A new Judicial Watch investigation has discovered 2.5 million names that now clutter “dirty voting rolls” in 378 counties nationwide, with a strong concentration of these mystery voters in California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia and Colorado.
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From The Epoch Times:
Watchdog Group Tells 5 States of Millions of Extra Voter Registrations
At least 2.5 million extra voter registrations are on the voter rolls of 378 counties nationwide, according to the good-government group Judicial Watch.
Democrats have long denied that voter fraud affects electoral outcomes and claims that those on the right want to crack down on voter fraud solely as a means of preventing the poor and minorities from voting. But experts say fraudulent voter registrations open the door to fraudulent voting.
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