Obama’s Amnesty Spending May Defy Judge’s Injunction, Federal Antideficiency Act
Yesterday, President Obama announced the Department of Homeland Security will not continue to process executive amnesty applications but will continue to spend taxpayer money processing all of the corresponding paperwork. According to Judge Hanen’s injunction, the DHS is barred from extending DACA and implementing DAPA. Recently, Judicial Watch asked Congress, through a letter, to request the GAO to investigate whether or not the DHS has been using misappropriated taxpayer money to carry out President Obama’s plans and thus has violated the Antideficiency Act. Read more about Judicial Watch’s letter here.
This is the reason why President Obama made this decision yesterday, as quoted in the article:
Obama said “We’re not going to be actually taking applications in until this case is settled. But we are doing the preparatory work because this is a big piece of business….The Department of Homeland Security will continue in the planning because we want to make sure as soon as these legal issues get resolved, which I anticipate they will in our favor, that we are ready to go.”