Police Cover-up For Yet Another Kennedy
While it’s not surprising to see another Kennedy politico in trouble with the law, the fact that authorities are covering up illegal behavior for Rhode Island Congressman Patrick Kennedy http://www.patrickkennedy.house.gov/, son of the infamous law-breaking Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, is appalling and, of course, illegal.
The latest Kennedy outlaw crashed his sports car into a barrier on Capitol Hill in the middle of the night on Thursday and police say he appeared to be intoxicated and smelled like alcohol. So what did authorities do? Instead of conducting a sobriety test on the scene, as would be the case for any suspected drunk driver, officers involved in the accident were instructed by an official “above the rank of patrolman” to take Kennedy home. Surprise, surprise, no sobriety test was conducted on the scene and Kennedy went home to sleep off the evidence.
It’s not the first time that this particular Kennedy clashes with the law. In 2000 Patrick Kennedy was captured on video pushing a Los Angeles airport security guard because his luggage was too big for carry-on and he got angry that the guard didn’t make an exception for a Kennedy. A few months later, the Coast Guard had to rescue his terrified girlfriend from a yacht he had trashed in a drunken rage. Later that month, he crashed into a car while turning into a drug store parking lot.
When the media got wind of this latest mishap in D.C., Kennedy, who has spent time at a drug rehabilitation clinic, issued a statement saying that he had taken an anti-nausea drug that causes drowsiness but denied consuming alcohol. He never really addressed why he was out recklessly driving a sports car at 2:45 a.m., however.
GOP Bloggers points out that Ted Kennedy’s son is really following his father’s footsteps and Michelle Malkin calls it another Kennedy cover-up.