Public School Teachers Sue To Reinstate La Raza Studies
Eliminating a radical La Raza studies program in a public school district is unconstitutional and restricts free speech, according to a group of
A few years ago a Hispanic history teacher in the district denounced the curriculum’s biased theme that Mexican-Americans continue to be victims of a racist American society driven by the interests of middle and upper-class whites. Kids were taught that the southwestern United States was taken from Mexicans because of the insatiable greed of the Yankee who acquired values from the corrupted ethos of western civilization, the teacher wrote in a newspaper opinion piece.
Students also learned that
The curriculum engendered racial irresponsibly, demeaned America’s civil institutions, undermined public servants, discounted any virtues in western civilization and taught disdain for American sovereignty, according the teacher who blew the whistle on the La Raza program. He also revealed that many of the instructors who taught the courses were not certified to teach.
The teachers who are suing to renew public funding for the district’s Chicano studies department claim in their complaint that their free speech has been impermissibly infringed by the state. Furthermore, they claim that students who take the La Raza courses score higher on standardizes tests, graduate from high school at higher rates, improve their overall grades and have better school attendance records.