Released docs portray DC’s special treatment of Gregory’s 30-round magazine stunt
Legal Insurrection recently won its FOIA lawsuit it filed with Judicial Watch against the District of Columbia, which revealed David Gregory received preferential treatment instead of punishment for possessing an illegal magazine in the District. David Gregory displayed the magazine on his then-show “Meet the Press” on NBC News, even though the D.C. Metropolitan Police warned NBC News it was against the law for Gregory to do so. He displayed this magazine on his show to taunt legal gun owners after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, shooting. Unfortunately, Gregory was never prosecuted by DC Attorney General’s Irvin Nathan, who is friends with Gregory’s wife. Read more about Judicial Watch’s involvement in this FOIA lawsuit here.
Here’s a great quote from William Jacobson, Legal Insurrection’s leading contributor, as featured in this article:
“Yet, the prosecuting office chose to ignore a willful violation of the law, and that’s what I found shocking, considering there are many cases, where there have been mistaken violations of the law, that they’ve prosecuted,” the graduate of Hamilton College and Harvard Law School said.