Report Details Ohio Atty. Gen. Corruption
The official elected to uphold Ohio’s laws and Constitution illegally used campaign funds to make hefty payments to friends and family, ran a vulgar and unprofessional office and spent millions of taxpayer dollars on unnecessary perks.
A seven-month investigation conducted by the Ohio Inspector General’s office reveals that the state’s disgraced top lawyer, Marc Dann, turned campaign contributions into a “personal honey pot,” abused his position to indulge himself and gave lucrative managerial jobs to unqualified friends facing serious legal problems. Dann was forced to resign earlier this year amid a sexual harassment scandal in his office.
"While it is appalling that the office of the ‘people’s lawyer’ should have to conduct classes on civility and decorum, we find it even more appalling that Dann hired friends and acquaintances into key management positions despite the fact that the people were unqualified or faced serious legal problems that should have raised red flags," according to the scathing 71-page inspector general’s report.
Investigators combed through thousands of files, dozens of confiscated computer hard drives and other portable electronic devices before completing the lengthy probe. They also interviewed more than 100 people after the attorney general, known for hiring unqualified attractive young women, was forced out for having an affair with an employee.
The probe also revealed that Dann spent millions of taxpayer dollars on equipment, including nearly $2 million on a fleet of cars, $30,000 on costly portable electronic devices for everyone in the office and thousands of dollars for the illegal personal us of state-owned airplanes. He also spent campaign dollars on his wife’s business, his personal attorney in the sexual harassment case and security improvements at his home.
Ironically, the corrupt Democrat attorney general ran a campaign centered on returning ethics—supposedly diminished by Republicans—to state government.