S.F. City Atty. To Fight “Draconian” Arizona Law
A neighboring state’s city attorney, well known for challenging the federal abortion ban, has graciously offered to spend his municipality’s public resources to battle
The new measure (SB1070) also makes it a state crime to be in the U.S. without proper documentation, allows local police to enforce immigration laws and punishes anyone—documented or undocumented—seeking work from a road or sidewalk. Drivers who pick up illegal alien day laborers will also be punished and all residents must provide evidence of their legal status in the U.S. under the new law, which takes effect in a few months.
Immigration advocates nationwide have denounced the measure as racist and some federal and state lawmakers claim it amounts to institutionalized discrimination and abuse that will lead to the arrest of seniors, kids and tourists. President Obama has ordered the Department of Justice to challenge the “misguided” law’s legality and vows to “closely monitor the situation” and examine the legislation’s civil rights implications.
Herrera quickly jumped on the racial profiling bandwagon, calling for a boycott of
Even San Francisco’s mayor, who refers to Arizona’s measure as “un-American” and “unacceptable“ realizes this may not be the best way to spend taxpayer dollars. He warned that the city attorney will likely encounter many legal problems since boycotting a state and every company that does business in it is an “extraordinarily complicated matter.”