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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Corruption Chronicles

Sanctuary City May Recognize Mexican IDs


As local governments across the U.S. find ways to battle illegal immigration, a North Carolina city is working to help undocumented aliens by becoming the nation’s first to accept an easily forged Mexican card as a legal form of identification.

The controversial “Matricula Consular” cards have been around for years and many banks accept them as a valid form of identification, but the government doesn’t because they’re not secure and are extremely susceptible to fraud. Regardless, the Durham City Council may soon pass a resolution to make the laughable cards legal.

If the measure passes the Mexican cards will be accepted as an official form of ID by Durham Police and for all business conducted with the city, according to a copy of the proposed law provided by a local news station. Two open borders groups wrote the resolution and Durham’s city attorney has approved it, advising council members that they “need not be impacted” by controversy surrounding the “security and validity of the Matricula Consular.”

That’s because the illegal immigrant advocates who authored the law assure that the Mexican cards have “been shown to be a highly secure form of identification issued to Mexican citizens living in other countries.” Furthermore, accepting the cards will assist in minimizing “unnecessary and potentially life-changing arrests of hard-working residents.”

Allowing the open borders movement to dictate law is nothing new in North Carolina, which has several illegal immigrant sanctuaries, including Chapel Hill, Charlotte and Raleigh. In 2003 Durham passed a resolution officially declaring its sanctuary status and prohibiting police from inquiring about suspects’ immigration status.



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