State Report Classifies Conservatives As Terrorists
An official Missouri State Police report on militia activity classifies Christian conservatives and groups that oppose abortion and illegal immigration as domestic terrorists.
The state law enforcement report (“The Modern Militia”) completely omits domestic terror groups associated with fundamentalist Muslims or those connected to liberals such as extreme environmentalists. Instead it focuses on conservative Christians and third-party political groups such as Libertarians.
The eight-page document was designed for law enforcement education purposes and was not intended to be made public. A collaborative of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies (Missouri Information Analysis Center) designed to deal with domestic security issues, gathered the information and published it. When the media eventually leaked the document, outrage ensued and this week state officials ordered a cease in its distribution.
The fact remains, however, that an official state agency in the U.S. published this sort of outrageous information which suggests that domestic militias subscribe to radical ideologies rooted in Christian views and opposition to immigration, abortion and federal taxes.
Under the subhead “Militant Abortion” the report says that anti abortionists have been known to take up arms in support of their beliefs. It points out that the man responsible for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Park bombing was in fact an anti abortionist.
The report’s “Anti-Immigration” subhead informs that some militia organizations have been formed solely for the purpose of countering the threat of illegal immigration because extremists argue that immigrants are taking U.S. citizens’ jobs and sucking up government resources.