9/11 “State Secrets”, BLM Meeting, HHS Records

U.S. Invokes “State Secrets” to Keep Intel Given to 9/11 Mastermind’s Defense from Victims
Government documents already provided by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to lawyers defending 9/11 terrorists continue to be withheld from survivors of the attacks and family members of those who died. The DOJ claims the roughly 25,000 pages of files are “State Secrets,” even though 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s (KSM) attorneys have been granted access. KSM is incarcerated at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and faces a death sentence. Read more.
On Saturday night May 30, various protests and rioting occurred in Prince William County, resulting in numerous injuries to police officers and extensive property damage. Read more.
Virus Update: The FDA & The War Over HC
Judicial Watch readers have been closely following President Trump’s efforts to promote hydroxychloroquine (HC), the anti-malaria drug that has shown promise in the fight against Covid-19. Trump has encountered fierce blowback from the media, the medical community, and even from within his own administration. Still, he persists. “I happen to be a believer in hydroxy,” he told reporters on July 29. “I used it. I had no problem. I happen to be a believer.” Read more.
The Indian Health Service in May 2020 acknowledged, as reported by ProPublica, that “1 million respirator masks it purchased from a former Trump White House official do not meet Food and Drug Administration standards for ‘use in healthcare settings by health care providers.’” The Indian Health Service awarded a $3 million contract for the masks to an 11-day-old company run by former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Zach Fuentes. Read More.
Must Read
FBI Cover-Up on SpyGate is Continuing Under Director Christopher Wray – Judicial Watch
JW Watch President Tom Fitton: “The worst corruption in the FBI’s history has been around the abuse of Trump people like General Flynn, and FBI Director Wray just gives it a shrug of his shoulders.”
Ron Johnson subpoenas FBI Director Christopher Wray in Crossfire Hurricane investigation – Washington Examiner
Communist China has been engaging in a systematic program to co-opt American higher education institutions and steal U.S. intellectual property. And many schools have been less than forthcoming about the vast sums they have received from Beijing.
Judicial Watch sues DHS for Hunter Biden travel records – The Washington Times
A conservative watchdog group has sued the Department of Homeland Security to obtain travel records for Hunter Biden while he had a Secret Service detail. Judicial Watch calls for disclosure of the dates and locations of domestic and international for former Vice President Joseph R. Biden’s son Hunter.
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Colleges Funded by China & Other Countries? Judicial Watch INVESTIGATES!
The Book that the Radical Left Doesn’t Want You To Read! — Pre-Order Tom Fitton’s NEW Book Today!