TIPSHEET: $19 Million Grasshopper Aid, Buttigieg’s Testimony & Coronavirus

U.S. Spends $19 Million to Help Africa Deal with Grasshopper Problem
On November 3, 2016, Strzok sends an email to Page with a “weiner timeline.” The document shows that on September 28, 2016, the Assistant Director in Charge In the middle of a health and financial crisis that is crushing the economy and millions of American lives, the U.S. government is dedicating a mind-boggling $19 million to help Africa deal with a grasshopper issue. Known as locusts, the short-horned grasshoppers are reportedly invading the East African nations of Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, qualifying the taxpayer allocation as “humanitarian assistance” that will reduce the size of the swarms and have a positive impact on affected communities throughout the Horn of Africa. Read more.
The ID card was created by La Casa de Amistad, a local not-for-profit corporation. In a June 8, 2019, report the ID card — or Community Resident Card — was referred to as “a novel approach” that other cities were looking to replicate. At the time, Buttigieg was a candidate for the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination. Read more.
Coronavirus Update: As New York Goes, So Goes the Nation?
The city is flooded with bad information. It’s difficult to split real news from fake, fact from rumor, truth from Twitter. Are we really running out of ventilators or will reinforcements arrive in time? What about masks? We learn about PPEs. Will there be enough? Read more.
Federal Prisons Fail to Monitor Terrorist Inmates Amid 250% Hike in Radicalized Convicts
The nation’s federal prison system is supposed to keep America safe by, among other things, monitoring all social communications of high-risk inmates, especially those with terrorist ties. This is a crucial part of the Bureau of Prisons’ (BOP) duties considering that in the last decade the number of inmates with known links to terrorism increased by an astounding 250%. Read more.
Must Read
FARRELL: It’s Time To Review Our Relationship With China – The Daily Caller
The Wuhan virus caused a public health panic that shook the global economy and virtually shut down the United States. Things might have worked out differently if the international community had been given better warning of what was coming, and if the global scientific community had been mobilized to counter the threat early-on.
Fitton: ‘Weiner Timeline:’ How the FBI Gave Hillary Cover During the Election – Breitbart
On November 3, 2016, Strzok sends an email to Page with a “weiner timeline.” The document shows that on September 28, 2016, the Assistant Director in Charge (ADIC) of the New York Office of the FBI reported “potential MYE-related material,” referring to Midyear Exam, which was the code name of the FBI’s Clinton email investigation.
FBI Tells Court Transparency Not Mission-Critical – NewsMax
The Justice Department claims it is currently unable to continue searching for documents because the employees who would conduct the search in the FBI Records/Information Dissemination Section (RIDS) are, “non-mission critical” during the COVID-19 pandemic and were ordered to stay at home beginning March 17.
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