Townhall: Impeach Away Democrats!

From Townhall:
“Time is running out in the third quarter. Our quarterback steps back under a heavy blitz unaided by his weak offensive line. He passes. It’s complete for another first down! But wait, he’s down. Some in the crowd are booing. It looks like there has been another targeted hit, but the referees did not throw a flag. The crowd boos more loudly. Soon a silence comes over the field as the quarterback slowly rises to his feet.
So let me get this straight. A guy who wasn’t in the room who, reports suggest, was a Democrat asset, heard from another person that the president of the United States somehow was engaged in a horrible high crime worthy of removing him from office. This guy then, after secretly consulting with Adam Schiff for a month, comes forward under “whistleblower” status and rats on the president about the conversation that he wasn’t even in the room to actually hear. He was allowed to do this because someone conveniently changed the rules of “whistleblowing” to include information received second-hand. This “whistleblower” information is so damaging to the president that the Democrats believe he needs to be immediately impeached and removed from office. Did I miss something?
“What was this high crime?” you ask. Did the president arrange the funneling of $1.5 billion dollars from a foreign entity to a company run by his son? Did he destroy evidence during a criminal investigation about the illegal handling of classified information? Did he threaten to withhold foreign aid to a country investigating a company run by his son? No, no, and no.”
Read the Full Article Here.