U.S. Hides Probe Of Illegal Immigrant Who Killed Nun
A Homeland Security investigation to determine why a criminally convicted illegal immigrant was released before killing a nun in
The case ignited fury because the intoxicated illegal alien (Carlos Montano) from Bolivia already had two drunk-driving convictions and an expired license when he crashed head-on into the car of three Catholic nuns. One died and two were critically injured in the tragic August accident in
Media reports subsequently revealed that federal authorities released Montano on his own recognizance while he awaited a removal hearing for nearly two years, despite his felony convictions. Incredibly, the illegal alien’s criminal record didn’t prevent him from getting a special federal employment authorization card, known as an I-766 permit.
Amid public outrage, Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano ordered an investigation that she vowed would answer crucial questions involving how her agency mishandled this case. The long-awaited results are finally in but they won’t be released to the public, according to a
Evidently the document includes “law enforcement sensitivities,” so it must be kept secret, according to the Homeland Security insider. The agency’s official version to the media is that Napolitano’s office is in the “process of looking over the findings.” Because it’s an ongoing criminal matter, it would be “inappropriate” to comment further, according to an agency spokesman.
Indignant over the federal government’s negligence, officials in