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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


In The News

NewsLink: Curbing Crime Through The Increased Deportation of Illegal Aliens

Illegal immigrants are a very real threat, their undocumented nature allowing them to more easily commit crimes and evade justice. Judicial Watch, your government watchdog has kept a close eye on the issue in recent years. As we’ve been working hard to document the risks of illegal immigration, new polls suggest that Americans are as inclined as ever to increase the deportation of illegals. Read the Breitbart story below to hear more about this trend, and how this is the time to move forward on this issue, uncovered in large measure to Judicial Watch’s tireless investigative efforts.

From Breitbart:

Pew Research: 6-in-11 Americans Want More Deportations of Illegal Aliens (11/17/2019)

A majority of Americans say they want to see more deportations of illegal aliens and increased security along the United States-Mexico border, a new survey finds.

The latest Pew Research Center survey reveals that nearly 70 percent of all Americans believe increased security at the porous U.S.-Mexico border is very or somewhat important — including more than 90 percent of Republican voters.

Another 54 percent of Americans said more deportations of the nation’s 11 million to 22 million illegal alien population is very or somewhat important. Republican voters by a majority of 83 percent said increasing deportations of illegal aliens is important ahead of the 2020 presidential election.

The findings come as President Trump’s administration has constructed less than 80 miles thus far of border wall along the southern border, though officials have repeatedly said hundreds of miles of construction is on its way.

For almost a year, the Trump administration has promised that 500 miles of border wall will have been completed before next year’s election in November.

Over the last few months, Trump has surged the total number of deportations of illegal aliens by more than 450 percent, as Breitbart News reported.

Read the Article Here.

From Judicial Watch:

1. MIT-Yale Study of Govt. Data Finds 22.1 Mil Illegal Immigrants in U.S. (9/27/2018)

The number of illegal immigrants in the United States is nearly double the current and widely reported estimate of 11.3 million, according to a new academic study that uses a more precise method. The research was conducted by professors from two of the nation’s most prestigious universities, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Yale, and determined that 22.1 million illegal aliens live in the U.S. Even when implementing extremely conservative parameters, the study measures a population of 16.7 million, which is still substantially higher than the figure that is universally accepted by the government and media.

The MIT and Yale researchers say the currently used inaccurate number is based on data from population surveys, which is not very reliable for measuring hidden populations. “In this method, the size of the unauthorized immigrant population residing in the United States is set equal to the estimate of the total foreign-born population minus the legally resident foreign-born population,” researchers write in their report. “The total foreign-born population estimate is derived from surveys that ask respondents whether they were born outside of the United States (and whether they are American citizens), specifically either the American Community Survey or the Current Population Survey.” One of the study’s key researchers, MIT Professor Mohammad Fazel-Zarandi, says surveys aren’t the best method to count illegal immigrants because they probably want to stay undetected. “It’s likely that undocumented immigrants are more difficult to locate and survey than other foreign-born residents and if contacted, they may be inclined to misreport their country of origin, citizenship, and number of household residents, fearing the legal consequences of revealing their status,” Fazel-Zarandi said in a university publication.

That is why the MIT-Yale team used comprehensive government data on border apprehensions, foreigners who overstay visas and deportations as well as immigration and death rates to conduct their broad study. The information used for the research was based on statistics from 1990 to 2016. The team of academics used a sophisticated mathematical model that tracks population inflows and outflows to combine the data and reach the illegal alien population estimate of more than 22 million. It was a very complicated task that involved subcomponents that had to be evaluated for specific level of certainty and incorporated into the mathematical model. The bottom line is that, based on this seemingly reliable method and precise numerical formula, the U.S. has double the illegal immigrants than previously thought. The biggest growth in the illegal immigrant population occurred between 1990 and the early 2000s, the inquiry determined, with the peak in 2007 and 2008. “The results of our analysis are clear: The number of undocumented immigrants for each year is estimated to be substantially larger than has been appreciated at least in widely accepted previous estimates,” the report states.

Read The Corruption Chronicles Story Here.

2. Illegal Aliens Released from Local Custody Commit More Crimes (6/31/2019)

Following a Judicial Watch lawsuit, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reinstated a reporting system that informs the public about illegal immigrants who commit crimes after being released from state or local custody. The offenders are shielded by sanctuary policies that ban local law enforcement from honoring Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers placed on illegal aliens who have been arrested on local criminal charges. If the detainer is honored ICE takes custody and deports the criminal rather than release him or her back into the community. When law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and release serious criminal offenders, it undermines the federal government’s duty to protect public safety.

To pressure municipalities that protect illegal aliens, the Trump administration published weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Reports highlighting state and local governments that did not comply with ICE’s detainer program. The troublesome logs included details of illegal aliens who committed all sorts of atrocious crimes after local authorities let them go and identified the law enforcement agency that released them. Published on ICE’s website, the reports ignited outrage among open borders groups and their mainstream media allies, who complained that the information was controversial and discriminatory. One mainstream media outlet actually reported that “immigration advocates also criticized the list for singling out the criminals among undocumented immigrants without acknowledging the contributions of the broader population to their communities.”

DHS caved into the pressure and temporarily suspended the informative weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Reports. Judicial Watch immediately launched an investigation, requesting records from the agency under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and subsequently suing for the information. Sanctuary cities violate federal law and put the public at risk. In the last decade Judicial Watch has also gone to court to fight sanctuary policies nationwide, including in Arizona, California, Illinois, the District of Columbia and Texas, to name a few. In California alone, Judicial Watch has sued several municipalities for protecting illegal immigrant criminals. Among them are San Francisco, Los Angeles and Pasadena, though practically the entire state shields illegal immigrants from the feds, including serious criminals.

Read the Full Corruption Chronicle Story Here.

3.Busy Month for Illegal Immigrants Committing Heinous Crimes (9/20/2019)

As the separation of families pouring in from Mexico dominates the airwaves several disturbing cases involving illegal aliens shift the focus back to the devastating impact of America’s poorly guarded southern border. In the last few days alone, an illegal immigrant who had been deported eleven times attacked his wife with a chainsaw in front of their children, another got charged with a series of violent rapes and dozens were arrested for operating a major human and drug smuggling enterprise in a major U.S. city.

The gruesome chainsaw attack occurred in Los Angeles County, which has long offered illegal immigrants sanctuary. A man named Alejandro Alvarez-Villegas, deported to his native Mexico 11 times since 2005, tried to kill his wife with a chainsaw. In local media reports, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) refers to him as a “serial immigration violator,” but the agency fails to explain how that could possibly occur. Alvarez-Villegas has been charged with seven felonies and is being held without bail. One California newspaper worries that the assailant’s immigration status will fuel calls for a big wall on the border with Mexico and spark “illegal immigration foes to point to the U.S. immigration system as a failure in need of revamping.” The piece also quotes open borders advocates saying that domestic violence happens among Americans citizens too and that it’s not an “undocumented” problem.

Several hundred miles north in San Francisco, an illegal immigrant from Peru recently got charged with rape by force or violence and other crimes. The 37-year-old, Orlando Vilchez Lazo, was a driver for the ride-sharing company Lyft who somehow passed a background check. Lazo faces life in prison and is being held in jail in San Francisco on $4.2 million bail. San Francisco has long provided Illegal aliens with sanctuary and forbids it law enforcement agencies from cooperating with federal immigration officials. Judicial Watch has sued the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department (SFSD) to prevent the use of taxpayer funds on policies that prohibit department personnel from cooperating with federal immigration law enforcement officials. Back in 2008 Judicial Watch investigated the SFSD’s handling of an illegal alien (Edwin Ramos) charged with the triple murder of three innocent American citizens. Ramos, who had been arrested on three prior occasions and convicted with two felonies, was never turned over to federal immigration authorities for removal to his native El Salvador under San Francisco’s sanctuary policies.

Read the Full Corruption Chronicles Story Here.


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