Clinton Struck Deal With Obama State Dept. to Keep Records Private
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton struck a deal with the State Department while serving in the Obama administration that allowed her to take ownership of records she did not want made public, according to recently released reports.
Clinton and her then-deputy chief of staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were “personal” materials and “unclassified, non-record materials.”
Judicial Watch made the revelation after filing a FOIA request with the State Department and obtaining a record of the agreement.
The newly released documents show the deal allowed Clinton and Abedin to remove documents related to particular calls and schedules, and the records would not be “released to the general public under FOIA.” Abedin, for instance, was allowed to remove electronic records and five boxes of physical files, including files labeled “Muslim Engagement Documents.”