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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Issue Deep Dive

Judicial Watch Takes On Cancel Culture

“In my view, it’s discriminatory. Not only should this be shut down in the government but also in corporations and schools -both normal and higher education should be held accountable under law for pushing these discriminatory programs,” Fitton stated in last week’s Weekly Update.

As you may have already discovered through Judicial Watch’s lawsuits, the Pentagon has promoted critical race theory as a “training program” for its employees for some time. Critical Race theory, which purports to use race and gender identity to define human power relationships, is, in Fitton’s words – an “anti-American, racial separatist, cultural marxist theory,”  one which should not be “pushed on federal employees,” let alone students.  

Newly obtained records by Judicial Watch show that the Pentagon’s training program included “a chapter about power and privilege such as sexual orientation and religious privilege.” As the chapter reads, “sexual orientation privilege is associated with the marginalization of non-heterosexual lifestyles and the view that heterosexuality is a normal sexual orientation.” 

“This is just classic marxism,” Fitton argued. He continued in stating that “under critical race theory, if you think that traditional standards of success should be applied universally across races and gender identities, you are part of the problem. If you think people rely on their intelligence and hard work to be successful – then you’re racist.” 

These training programs are not inherent only to the federal government. Corporations and schools, both K-12 as well as higher-education have engaged promoting this form of identity politics. Ironically, as Fitton further contends, “the Left says they care about minorities, but they treat them like children have contempt for them as autonomous moral agents blessed by God.”

The president is working to “shut this down,” but, as Fitton states, has been met with resistance from the Left. As Fitton argued, one thing is having diversity training – which reminds people that they can’t make presumptions based on race. Another is to promote “communist-marxist philosophy that targets people specifically, in this case whites.” As Fitton concluded:

“If you have an entire HR program geared at attacking a particular race because they’re seen as dominant, how does that comport with our law covering anti-discrimination and equal opportunity? It doesn’t.”

If you’re concerned about cancel culture in our Nation’s highest institutions, and want to help rid our society of its segregationist intentions, support Judicial Watch today. We’re your watchdog in DC, doing the heavy lifting to defend the Constitution and the rights of all Americans. 


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