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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Issue Deep Dive

Critical Race Theory FORCED on West Point Cadets – Judicial Watch Sues

“…They want to destroy our military. This is a revolutionary approach, straight out of the Marxist playbook.” 

Judicial Watch’s countless lawsuits and political investigations are raising alarm bells on the spread of critical race theory across the United States. From the DOJ’s Georgia Lawsuit, to public schools in Masschusetts, Maryland and elsewhere, policymakers are pushing for every issue to be viewed through the lens of race. As Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton explained during Friday’s Weekly Update, “this is a revolutionary approach, straight out of the Marxist playbook.”  Shockingly, as Fitton pointed out, it’s now being taught at West Point, “where our rising generation of leaders for the Army go to train,” Fitton explained. “They want to brainwash our incoming Army officers.”

In light of this revelation, Judicial Watch has sued the United States Military Academy for the following information: 

  • Copies of all diversity, inclusion, and equity training materials for first-year Cadets entering West Point. This includes lists of reading materials and presentation materials that promote diversity, inclusion, and equity for first-year Cadets.
  • Copies of all contracts between the U.S Military Academy and any organization or company responsible for coordinating and implementing diversity, inclusion, and equity programs and training for Cadets at the United States Military Academy.

Judicial Watch’s lawsuit was filed in conjunction with Congressman Mike Waltz’ (R-FL) recent discovery of controversial training materials at the U.S Army’s military academy, which included “examples of Corps of Cadets being mandated to attend seminars and presentations on critical race theory…” As Fitton reminded viewers Friday, Critical Race Theory is “not just a racialist approach, its about categorizing people by their immutable characteristics – sex, race, ethnicities, sometimes age, disability – it’s all part of that mix.” 

As Fitton concluded: 

“Critical race theory is racist, anti-American, and repackaged Marxism.  It has no place in our military, let alone the storied heights of West Point,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Pentagon needs to immediately follow the FOIA law so the American people can fully understand and stop the extremist indoctrination of the U.S. Army’s rising leadership at West Point.”

If you’re concerned about the impact of Critical Race Theory on America’s military and its most celebrated institutions, support Judicial Watch today. Let’s expose the truth about Critical Race Theory. 


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