The Politics of Defunding the Police and the Leftist Insurrection

“They don’t want to defund the police, they want to erase the police. The bill that Pelosi is promoting, is an anti-police bill that shovels money to their leftist allies,” Fitton stated in last week’s Weekly Update.
Instead of focusing on defending our Nation, our institutions and quite literally “our property and our safety,” politicians in DC and across the country seem to be “focused on attacking the police, and coming up with federal regulation to track what they’re doing, as if that’s the problem,” Fitton states. “We are facing an insurrection,” as Fitton argues – one compounded by political forces in Congress which “want to give over your policing over to the leftists who are trying to destroy the police.” In other words, “a power grab to replace institutions either completely or with people who share their agenda.” As Fitton outlines, Pelosi’s “Police Reform Bill” – H.R. 7210 (which you may read here) gives “La Raza, the ACLU and other “radical left groups a specific role in accrediting police departments.”
Under this new legislation, “the police are now going to be answerable to the deep staters who have been trying destroy Donald Trump.” Furthermore, “the DOJ and FBI and all those other agencies who abused the civil rights of Trump and other innocent Americans based on their political beliefs, are now going to be running the police departments under these reforms.”
While our “nation’s institutions are failing the police, and failing the citizenry,” – “the violent left is going to push everywhere there is weakness, ” Fitton continues. “Where you see those statues being pulled down, that is the result of political decisions not to protect public and private property.” Moreover, Fitton argues, if you’re convinced that the political ruckus related to the removal of statues and the proposed renaming of military installations “is limited to the confederacy,” think again. “They [The Left] hate America… they believe our constitution is as corrupt as the confederacy. They want to tear apart the constitution … tear down statues of Washington and Jefferson, our founding fathers.” Quite simply, we are living through “an attack on our republic.”
“I support the police, I stand with the rule of law. so I want you to be skeptical of this police-reform movement,” Fitton concludes.