DOJ & FBI Target Biden Political Opponents

The politicization of our nation’s justice system is unfortunately nothing new, but the recent indictment of Steve Bannon is “an outrageous use of power” according to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. As Fitton discusses in the Weekly Update, his indictment by the Biden DOJ is part of a larger agenda to use the events of January 6 as “a vehicle to criminalize the speech of those that oppose the Biden agenda, who question issues about the election and just generally are Trump supporters.”
Describing the Jan. 6 Select Committee as a “star chamber” and as a “joke”, Fitton argues that its partisan composition makes its decisions “inherently invalid” and “inherently suspect.” As Fitton explains, Pelosi’s committee is “investigating criticism of the election processes and the fundamental First Amendment right to petition one’s government to make sure the rules are followed.”
“This committee is a joke, it’s corrupted,” Fitton continues.
The Left’s zeal to attack their ideological opponents, Fitton argues, was made apparent by the recent FBI raid on Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe’s home. The FBI’s early morning raid of O’Keefe’s his home over the purported theft of the diary of Joe Biden’s daughteris both “disturbing” and “frightening.” As Fitton states, “you might recall [AG] Garland … came out with new regulations to make it harder to subpoena media figures and journalists.” Those rules and regulations, Fitton argues, appear to not have been applied to the Biden administration’s opponents, such as James O’Keefe.
“The Justice Department is topsy turvy in terms of ethics… so Judicial Watch of course will do its investigations as to what went on,” Fitton concludes. “These are some dark days for the rule of law here in Washington, DC.”
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