The China-Praising Fauci Emails

“Why praise them if you don’t know what was going on.. why would we believe anything that the Chinese Communist Government would be telling us?” – Fitton remarked in last week’s Weekly Update.
Representing the Daily Caller News Foundation, Judicial Watch has recently secured the release of 300 pages of emails exchanged between the NIH, Dr. Fauci, and the WHO. These documents, which were originally stonewalled by the federal government, were released late last week. According to Fitton, they point to the fact that “the collective concern was about praising China’s role. It helps explain why they didn’t want to turn over this document.” Apparently praising China for it’s management of the COVID-19 outbreak, Fitton believes “they [Fauci, and the NIH] didn’t see it as the contagion that we’ve since come to learn it was.”
“They didn’t know about it, probably because the Chinese weren’t telling them about it,” Fitton continued. In reference to the response of both Dr. Fauci and NIH officials in correspondence with the WHO, Fitton stated “if you’re dealing with the Chinese Community Government you should be skeptical of them, and just presume that they’re lying about everything… why would we believe anything that the Chinese Communist Government would be telling us?”
With only 300 pages released of over 4,000 – Fitton believes that at the current rate, these documents won’t be fully available until 2022. He continued in stating:
“It is exceedingly frustrating that agencies nominally run by the POTUS continue to withhold information, and I’m convinced that they withhold information because it could be seen to be helpful to him. The president should just order the release of every document they have.”
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