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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Issue Deep Dive

Fauci Corruption Update

We received many emails showing initially in 2020 that Fauci and his colleagues were very much concerned about whether their funding was behind the Wuhan Institute and whether their funding somehow tied to the emergence of the virus. 

The Biden administration’s proposed vaccine mandate, coupled with new revelations tying the NIH to gain-of-function research in China, has many Americans – including Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton – raising concerns about Dr. Fauci’s tenure and what he may have known about the COVID-19 crisis. In fact, as newly released documents from the NIH reveal, the Federal Government provided financial support for  gain-of-function research of concern,” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, contradicting Fauci’s recent denial of any NIH-funded gain-of-function studies at the Chinese institute. An area of medical research which deliberately enhances pathogenic material in order to study its effects, gain-of-function research has been criticized for posing unacceptable risks to public health.

Remarking on the newly obtained records from the NIH, Fitton notes that “he [Fauci] has proven to be a dissembler.” In discussing Judicial Watch’s findings, Fitton remarks that “we [Judicial Watch] received many emails showing initially in 2020 that Fauci and his colleagues were very much concerned about whether their funding was behind the Wuhan Institute and whether their funding somehow tied to the emergence of the virus.” As Fitton continues, “the specific study that Fauci’s agency had funded through the EcoHealth Alliance was a gain of function research study on bat coronaviruses.” 

Given these revelations, Fitton calls for a full investigation of Dr. Fauci, stating that “he should not only be subject to a Department of Justice investigation but to an Inspector General investigation. … In the least he should be pulled back from being the lead for the administration.” Concluding, Fitton states that “if the administration is concerned about having a persuasive public health voice, I would suggest they find someone that half the country doesn’t think is engaged in outrageous ethical misconduct.” 

If you’re concerned about the lack of transparency in the Federal Government’s response to COVID-19, support Judicial Watch today! 


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