Feds Fail To Pay For Jailed Illegal Immigrants
Keeping its tradition of not enforcing immigration laws, the federal government has routinely stiffed counties and states across the nation for the immense cost of jailing criminal illegal aliens even though Congress allocated more than $400 million for it last year.
From a tiny county in southeast Oregon to a major west coast state, the federal government has routinely reneged on its promise to reimburse local agencies for the cost imprisoning illegal immigrants in facilities across the nation.
The agreement, called the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, was created by federal authorities to help states and localities that incurred costs for incarcerating undocumented criminal aliens with at least one felony or two misdemeanor convictions.
The federal government owes California nearly $86 million, Colorado $5 million, Massachusetts $7.2 million and Michigan $1.2 million. The Southern California counties of Los Angeles and Riverside alone – with huge immigrant populations–are owed $12.5 million and $1.2 million respectively.
The high cost of incarcerating the multitudes of illegal alien criminals is taking a huge toll on local governments and presenting a big financial crisis. Even Malheur County Oregon, with an average prison inmate population of only 90, is feeling the crunch of illegal aliens. About 12 % of the inmates are being held without bail for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement at a cost of $5,796 per week.
The federal government may never fully reimburse any of these localities since immigration enforcement seems to be a low priority. After all, its documented negligence in this area has inspired more than 90 cities and counties across the nation to pass legislation to curb illegal immigration.
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