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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Issue Deep Dive

“Fresh and Never Frozen” : The Horrifying Government Purchase of Fetal Organs

The federal court is recognizing that “there is reason to question whether the transactions violate federal law barring the sale of fetal organs.”

Judicial Watch represents the Center for Medical Progress in two lawsuits against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to obtain records on grant applications related to the sale of human fetal tissue. Discussing the numerous Freedom of Information Act document requests on the topic, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated “I’ve never seen documents as horrifying as the documents related to our cases, lawsuits, and investigations about the use of federal tax dollars to purchase the fetal remains … of aborted babies.” 

As Fitton recounted Friday, recently obtained documents include “credit card receipts for thymuses and livers,” along with other organs that officials insisted be purchased “fresh and never frozen.”

As readers might recall, the Trump administration placed a moratorium on intramural research, i.e. “projects involving fetal tissue from elective abortions at the National Institutes of Health” in June of 2019. “That’s all been lifted by Joe Biden,” Fitton stated. “The spigot has been turned back on for your tax dollars to be used to sell fetal organs … the organs of dead un-born children to create “humanized mice” to test “biologic drug products.” 

Fitton concluded in stating:

“When the federal government conducts shocking research that involves human fetal tissue, Americans have a right to know basic information about where these human remains come from, who is providing them, how they are acquired and why the research is necessary.”

Support Judicial Watch today to uncover what the government is up to, and stop these “Frankenstein-like scientific experiments. 


Biden Crisis Update!

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Judicial Watch Sues Justice Dept for Communications with Biden White House Regarding Edited Transcripts…

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(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Justice for records of communication between the ag...

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Corruption Chronicles | July 25, 2024
The Pentagon dedicates tens of millions of dollars annually to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs throughout the armed forces and cadets...