Judicial Watch Sponsors National Tea Party Convention, February 4-6, 2010
Judicial Watch, the non-partisan public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it will serve as a major sponsor for the upcoming National Tea Party Convention to be held February 4-6, 2010, at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton will also address the convention on how to uncover and combat government corruption. Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is set to provide the keynote address.
The purpose of the convention is to bring “Tea Party Movement leaders together from around the nation for the purpose of networking and supporting the movement’s multiple organizations’ principal goals.”
The convention will feature speakers, workshops, information centers, and will provide organizational tools for those who support the Tea Party movement.
“We’re proud to stand with other Americans who respect the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law, and the need to limit the size and scope of the federal government,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Most Americans, especially the Tea Party movement, understand that big government leads to big corruption. So as the Obama administration inflates the size of government to unprecedented and dangerous levels – Americans’ concern about corruption is rightly increasing. As a group that has taken on both Republican and Democratic corruption, Judicial Watch is honored to support the independent Tea Party movement.”
According to a recent Judicial Watch poll, conducted December 11-19, 2009 in partnership with Survey USA, a majority of likely voters believe that government is too big (64%) and that bigger government leads to more corruption (62%). Overall, 65% believe political corruption in the federal government is a “very serious” problem. Sure enough, most Americans (62%) believe increasing government’s role in healthcare will lead to more corruption in the healthcare system.