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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Tom Fitton's Judicial Watch Weekly Update

Judicial Watch SUES Over YouTube Censorship!

Judicial Watch Files Two New FOIA Lawsuits for Records on Biden Raid on Trump Home
Judicial Watch Sues California Sec of State for Causing YouTube to Censor Key Election Integrity Video Just Before 2020 Election
Judicial Watch Sues on Behalf of Concerned Military Group for Air Force Academy Critical Race Theory Records


Judicial Watch Files Two New FOIA Lawsuits for Records on Biden Raid on Trump Home

We’re in court again to uncover more details of the Biden operation’s decision-making leading up to its unconscionable raid on President Trump’s Florida home.

We filed two FOIA suits against the Justice Department for FBI and DOJ records of the Mar-a-Lago raid search warrant application and approval, as well as communications about the warrant between the FBI, Executive Office of the President and the Secret Service.

We sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the DOJ failed to respond to August 2022 FOIA requests. The first complaint asks for all records documenting the application, authorization and communications related to the execution of a search warrant at the residence of President Trump on August 8, 2022 (Judicial Watch Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice) (No. 1:22-cv-02884)).

Additionally, we are suing for all records of meetings or phone calls between Director Wray, Deputy Director Abbate, Associate Deputy Director Turner, Associate Deputy Director Sallet, and/or Chief of Staff Lenzner pertaining to the search warrant. We also requested communications between the FBI and the Executive Office of the President and/or the Secret Service regarding the search warrant (Judicial Watch Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice) (No. 1:22-cv-02883)).

We are at the forefront of the court battle for transparency regarding the abusive Biden raid on Trump’s home.

In August, we forced the release of the raid affidavit. We also just sued the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for records about its controversial targeting of former President Trump over this records dispute.

The American people have a right to know the entire story about the Biden administration’s abusive raid on President Trump’s home. The raid on President Trump’s home was an outrageous, reckless, and unprecedented abuse of power – and the unlawful Biden agency secrecy about the raid only adds to the scandal.


Judicial Watch Sues California Sec of State for Causing YouTube to Censor Key Election Integrity Video Just Before 2020 Election

Our country works only if we have clean elections, and we suffer if the government imposes restraints on the exposure of less than fair voting. That happened in California – to us. But it’s the voters who deserve redress.

We filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of State of the State of California for having YouTube censor a Judicial Watch election integrity video (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Shirley Weber, in her official capacity as Secretary of State of the State of California (No. 2:22-cv-6894)).

We sued in the U.S. District Court Central District of California Western Division. Our suit states that the California Office of Elections Cybersecurity (OEC), which Secretary of State Shirley Weber oversees, caused YouTube to remove our election integrity video on September 25, 2020. We allege that the California official and her office violated our First Amendment and other civil rights.

As we explain to the court, we have posted more than 4,200 videos on our YouTube channel since 2006 and they have received nearly 94 million views. Our channel has more than 502,000 subscribers. Because of the state’s action, the video in question received only 5,531 views.

We ask the court to declare the state’s actions to be unconstitutional and permanently enjoin it from violating our constitutional rights and unconstitutionally regulating our speech.

Here’s the story.

On September 22, 2020, we posted on our YouTube channel a video titled “**ELECTION INTEGRITY CRISIS** Dirty Voter Rolls, Ballot Harvesting & Mail-in-Voting Risks!” The 26-minute video featured me discussing the vote-by-mail processes, changes to states’ election procedures, ballot collection (sometimes referred to as “ballot harvesting”), and states’ failures to clean up their voter rolls, among other topics.

The complaint states that my comments were informed by successful lawsuits we brought against Los Angeles County and Weber in 2017 to compel the county and state to comply with the National Voter Registration Act’s (NVRA) voter list maintenance requirements. For instance, in June 2019, we were informed that Los Angeles County had sent notices to 1.6 million inactive voters on its voter rolls after a settlement agreement had been reached. Prior to the California settlement agreement, we estimated that national census data and voter-roll information showed that there were 3.5 million more names on various county voter rolls nationwide than there were citizens of voting age.

Records show the Office of Elections Cybersecurity communicated with YouTube and/or Google to have our video taken down. On September 24, 2020, OEC Social Media Coordinator Akilah Jones emailed “[email protected]” andcopied four YouTube employees with the subject line, “REPORT VIDEO: **ELECTION INTEGRITY CRISIS** Dirty Voter Rolls, Ballot Harvesting & Mail-in-Voting Risks!” In the email, Jones wrote:

Hi YouTube Reporting Team,

I am reporting the following video because it misleads community members about elections or other civic processes and misrepresents the safety and security of mail-in ballots. Thank you for your time and attention on this matter.

All the best, Akilah.

At or about 11:16 a.m. (ET) on September 25, 2020, YouTube and/or Google representative Andrea Holtermann replied to Jones:

Hi Akilah,

Thanks for reaching out. We will look into this and get back to you as soon as we can.

Later that same day, we noticed that the video had been taken down.

On September 27, 2020, YouTube and/or Google’s Holtermann confirmed to Jones that Judicial Watch’s video had been removed:

Hi Akilah,

Circling back on this. Thank you for raising this content to our attention, this has been removed from the platform for violating our policies. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are any other questions or concerns you may have.

Our complaint establishes that the actions of Weber and OEC violated our First and Fourteen Amendment rights, as well as civil rights violations under the California constitution.

Smoking gun documents show California government officials, who were being advised by the Biden campaign PR operation, caused YouTube to censor a key Judicial Watch video just before the 2020 election. This egregious government censorship and election interference violated our civil rights, and our lawsuit seeks to stop and expose the growing corruption of leftist government officials colluding with Big Tech allies to attack the free speech rights of Americans.


Judicial Watch Sues on Behalf of Concerned Military Group for Air Force Academy Critical Race Theory Records

Judicial Watch is a national leader in exposing (and trying to stop) the intrusion of Marxist propaganda in our military academies.

In June, we received records revealing critical race theory instruction at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

In July we sued the Defense Department for records related to the United States Naval Academy implementing critical race theory in the training of naval recruits.

Thankfully, we’re not the only ones who are concerned. A group that included retired and distinguished military officers has noticed what is happening to their academies. We’re honored to assist them get the truth.

Judicial Watch just filed a FOIA suit on behalf of Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc. (STARRS) against the Defense Department for U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) records regarding “systemic racism,” as well as records of critical race theory at the academy (Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc. v U.S. Department of Defense (No. 1:22-cv-02894)).

We sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the Air Force refused to respond adequately to two FOIA requests about its race theory materials.

In our complaint we explained to the court that STARRS asked for records relating to a July 8, 2020, memorandum issued by the USAFA superintendent which stated, in part, that: “[s]ystemic racism exists in our society, and our USAFA community is not immune.” The memorandum also stated that there would be “an institutional assessment and review for biases within our policies, processes, practices, curriculum, and artifacts … [that] will be used to make tangible, lasting changes, and to inform future actions.” Our lawsuit also seeks records about any CRT training of USAFA cadets.

Founded by a group of distinguished retired military officers, STARRS is concerned about efforts to teach and implement aspects of CRT in U.S. military academies and throughout the U.S. Armed Forces. STARRS has grown to 2,932 members, including general officers, service academy graduates, retired and active-duty officers and enlisted, and concerned civilians (

According to U.S. Air Force retired Lieutenant General Rod Bishop, STARRS’ Chairman of the Board, and the STARRS leadership team, each of which served decades in uniform: “The USAFA’s superintendent’s claim of systemic racism at the Academy did not comport with our experience. So, we filed a FOIA request to learn more from the assessment he demanded. This was not a complex request. The continuing refusal to respond to this request speaks volumes.”

Our military is being undermined from within as the Air Force Academy attacks America and force feeds cadets repackaged Marxist anti-American critical race theory.


Until next week,




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