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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!



Updates on the Benghazi Lawsuit, the SCOTUS Seat & San Francisco State University’s Hosting of Terrorists

Judicial Watch Statement on Supreme Court Nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett

What a brave, wonderful Supreme Court pick by President Trump! President Trump has once again stood up for the U.S. Constitution with his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett has a demonstrated record of applying the rule of law rather than legislating from the bench.. Read more.

Judicial Watch Opposes State/Justice Department Request to End Remaining Discovery in Clinton Email/Benghazi Lawsuit

Judicial Watch argues in its opposition that the State Department is wrong to try to expand an August 2020 appellate court ruling blocking Clinton’s deposition. The ruling did not bar the deposition of Mills or any other witness. Judicial Watch intends to seek further review of the ruling. Read more.

San Francisco State University to Host Terrorists

A webinar event billed as “Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice, & Resistance: A conversation with Leila Khaled” is scheduled for September 23, 2020. San Francisco State University Professor Rabab Abdulhadi and Professor Tomomi Kinukawa are hosting the open classroom Internet event described as: “a historic roundtable conversation with Palestinian feminist, militant, and leader Leila Khaled, followed by Q&A discussion with students, activists, and scholars at 12:30-2:30 pm PST (3:30-5:30 pm New York, and 10:30pm-12:30 am in Palestine and Jordan).  Read more.

New York to Doctors: Hand Over Private Patient Information

Big Brother wants more about you from your doctor—and fast. Last month, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered health care professionals across the state to provide the “full residential address and phone number, occupation and employer name, full work address and employer phone number as well as race and ethnicity” of all patients tested for Covid-19. Read More.


Must Read 

FARRELL: The Left’s Political Rave-Out On SCOTUS Nomination – The Daily Caller

The passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has brought leftists to a full political tantrum. Facts, timing and the Constitution make it an increasingly likely prospect that President Trump will successfully install a third Supreme Court Justice in his first term. That drives liberals over the edge. Granted, it was not a very long drive, but in the last few days the left has let fly with an unprecedented political rave-out, even before Trump has revealed his nominee.

Read more.


The de Blasio-Carranza ‘diversity’ drive isn’t just wrong, it looks corrupt, tooFOX News

“Never waste a good crisis to transform a system,” Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza said at the height of the pandemic. As a member of the Queens District 28 Community Education Council, I’ve seen that transformation effort up close. As an investigative reporter, I discovered some big money behind it.

Read more.


Fitton: Obama Official Notes Russians Trolling Joe Biden on Son Hunter  –  Breitbart

Americans weren’t generally aware of Joe and Hunter Biden’s shenanigans in Ukraine, but Obama’s State Department certainly was, as was Ukraine, its pro-Russian newspaper sardonically referring to the soon to be then-Vice President Joe Biden showing up to protect his son’s business in Ukraine.

Read more.

Must Watch

**ELECTION INTEGRITY CRISIS** Dirty Voter Rolls, Ballot Harvesting & Mail-in-Voting Risks!
Obama’s Ukraine Ambassador Wanted To Know What Trump Allies Were Saying: Where’s the DOJ?
NEW DOCS: Did Mueller Lie to House Judiciary about Interviewing for FBI Director Job?




Judicial Watch: Court Orders Trump Justice Department to Declare Whether It Will Continue Biden…

Press Releases | February 12, 2025
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court ordered the U.S. Department of Justice to declare whether it intends to continue denying Judicial Watch’s req...

DOJ Ordered to Turn Over Fani Willis Files

In The News | February 12, 2025
From Townhall: In another legal victory for Judicial Watch, a federal court has ordered the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to furnish all available files they have on any communi...

CBP Agent Charged with Smuggling, Trafficking in City Judicial Watch Exposed as Major Cartel…

Corruption Chronicles | February 11, 2025
A federal agent in a border region long known as a major corridor for Mexican cartels smuggling narcotics and Islamic terrorists into the United States has been arrested and charge...