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Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Judicial Watch, Inc. is a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation, which promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law.

Because no one
is above the law!


Issue Deep Dive

The Hillary-Ukraine Connection

“Blue Star Strategies CEO Tramontano pitched that she could give Lutsenko, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General, access to high levels of the Clinton campaign,” Tom Fitton stated Friday.  

An ongoing Judicial Watch investigation into the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine has produced bombshell revelations about the Clinton campaign and Burisma – exposing the so-called “Kyiv – Washington gravy train,” as State Department official George Kent termed it in 2016. According to Judicial Watch’s findings, Burisma’s lobbying firm, Blue Star Strategies sought to offer its services to then-Ukrainian Prosecutor General, Yuriy Lutsenko, in “giving him access to high levels of the Clinton campaign,” Fitton explained. 

“You’ve got the top prosecutor in Ukraine that could put Burisma in jail, getting an offer of free help from Burisma’s lobbying firm and and help to contact and deal with potentially the incoming president [Hillary Clinton]”

As the emails indicate, George Kent and others in the Obama State Department were aware of the corruption surrounding Burisma and Blue Star Strategies. George Kent, a key Trump impeachment witness wrote of the “Kyiv-Washington gravy train,” ostensibly referring to what was widely known in the Obama State Department as “shady dealings between Burisma and the Clinton Foundation.” In fact, as Fitton elaborated, the CEO at Blue Star Strategies, Karen Tramontano, had previously served under John Podesta as the Deputy Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton, and was likely to return to the White House in a similar role under a potential Hillary Clinton administration. 

As Fitton concluded: 

“This smoking gun email is not the result of a DOJ or congressional investigation. It’s the result of a Judicial Watch investigation. It shows the Obama admin knew too well that Burisma and its lobbying firm connected to Hunter Biden was influence peddling in Ukraine and in Washington, and had connected it all to the Clinton campaign.”

Judicial Watch has discovered this, and much more about the Biden/Obama/Clinton connections to Ukraine. Browse our website for more relevant content, and support our work today! 


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