The Pardoning of Gen. Flynn

“Obviously Judge Sullivan is hoping that a Biden admin will come in and let him make a political prisoner out of General Flynn,” Fitton stated in last week’s Weekly Update.
With President Trump’s pardon, General Flynn is now a free man – after years of what Fitton has described as “abuse and harassment.” “They knew he [Flynn] was innocent, yet they prosecuted him anyway and abused his civil rights.” While the Justice Department tried to end the case against Flynn, Judge Sullivan “has been abusing his power in a way that is simply shocking from a federal judge,” Fitton continued. “He’s obviously hoping that a Biden admin will come in and let him make a political prisoner out of General Flynn.”
When it comes to investigations and potential prosecutions related to Biden’s corruption, Obamagate and Election Fraud, “not much has happened,” Fitton stated. “I’ve seen no evidence that there’s going to be significant prosecutions of significant figures. We’re coming up on the two year anniversary of Durham’s appointment and there’s only been one prosecution – which was handed to him on a silver platter.”
With an uncertain election result still looming, Fitton recommends the White House’s appointment of three special counsels, “one for Joe Biden, one for ObamaGate, one for election fraud.” As Fitton elaborated, “I don’t mean special counsel by brining in some US attorney who has the loser Justice Department approach which we seem to get a lot of. Bring in an outsider, a serious independent prosecutor to investigate.” “All of that can be done whether the president is staying or going,” Fitton concluded.