Tipsheet: 08-05-19

New Docs Show FBI Agents Went To Comey’s Home to Retrieve Memos– Judicial Watch announced today it received six pages of records from the FBI showing that in June, 2017, a month after FBI Director James Comey was fired by President Donald Trump, FBI agents visited his home and collected “as evidence” four memos that allegedly detail conversations he had with President Trump… Read more
U.S. Spends $907 Million on Useless “Nutrition Education” for Food Stamp, WIC Recipients– Besides spending tens of billions of dollars on fraud-infested programs to feed the poor, the U.S. government wastes an additional $907 million to give recipients useless “nutrition education” courses with rates of effectiveness that cannot be assessed… Read more
Federal Court Orders Hearing About Whether to Speed Up Strzok-Page Docs Release– Judicial Watch announced that U.S. District Court Judge Reggie B. Walton last week ordered a hearing on Tuesday, July 30, 2019, regarding the rate of production of emails, text messages, and other communications between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page… Read more
JW Uncovers More Comey Corruption– As the Justice Department reportedly takes a step to give James Comey a pass for illegal activity, Judicial Watch is uncovering the details of these crimes… Read more
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Must Read
FBI ‘302’ notes on Bruce Ohr interviews set for release- Washington Examiner– The Justice Department will soon release the notes from a dozen FBI interviews with Bruce Ohr, the DOJ official who met with dossier author British ex-spy Christopher Steele numerous times, including after the FBI had cut him off as a source due to improper leaks to the media… Read more
‘Nonsense’: Feds spend $1 billion on classes to educate you on- WND– The problem of fraud and waste in the billions of tax dollars the government spends annually on the food-stamp program apparently is worse than anyone knew… Read more
Must Watch
Weekly Update: Comey Kept FBI Docs in His Home!- August 2, 2019- Watch Now!
Tom Fitton: Mueller Probe Was Result of ILLEGAL Acts by Comey- August 2, 2019- Watch Now!
Tom Fitton: John Brennan Was A Key Guy Pushing This Fraudulent Dossier- July 30, 2019- Watch Now!