Hillary’s ’email-gate’ now linked to whistle-blower’s description of State Department boiler-room operation set up to hide documents after Benghazi
Raymond Maxwell, former deputy assistant secretary for Near Eastern affairs in the State Department, informed Sharyl Attkisson of The Daily Signal that State employees had to remove any Benghazi-related documents from boxes located in the basement of the State Department. Clinton’s aides, including former chief-of-staff Cheryl Mills, oversaw this to ensure that Clinton and others close to her would not look bad for concealing the truth about the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks. Meanwhile, Judicial Watch has filed FOIA requests and lawsuits against the State Department regarding these attacks. Read more about FOIA requests Judicial Watch recently filed regarding Clinton’s email correspondence on these attacks here.
Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton also commented on what Maxwell revealed about the Benghazi documents, as quoted in the article:
Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, whose organization has dented the Obama administration’s Benghazi armor with a series of Freedom Of Information Act lawsuits, told MailOnline that ‘Maxwell’s disclosures are no surprise to those of us who know the Clintons’ penchant for illicit secrecy.’
‘The Benghazi cover-up was and is about protecting two presidential campaigns – Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign and Hillary’s nascent 2016 campaign,’ Fitton said.
‘Our Ambassador and three other American personnel die in a terrorist attack and the number one concern at State is protecting Hillary Clinton! First we have the supposedly missing IRS emails and now we may have missing Benghazi documents?’