Judge in Trump Atty. Case Officiated Wedding of President’s Fiercest Enemy at His Estate

The extensive media coverage of the federal case against President Donald Trump’s personal attorney has largely failed to mention that the judge presiding over the matter is chummy with one of Trump’s fiercest and most vocal enemies. How cozy? The senior judge, Kimba Wood of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, officiated the wedding of leftwing billionaire George Soros. The shindig, Soros’ third marriage, took place at Soros’ Bedford, New York estate and the guest list included foreign leaders, the president of the World Bank and Hollywood celebrities.
Judge Wood’s snug relationship with Soros, who uses his Open Society Foundations (OSF) to spread a radical globalist agenda, is relevant because the Hungarian philanthropist despises Trump (read about Judicial Watch’s latest Soros investigation here.) The federal court hearings that Wood is presiding over involve the president’s longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen. The FBI recently raided Cohen’s home and office and seized records containing privileged attorney-client information. This week Judge Wood denied Cohen’s request for a temporary restraining order to keep the feds from digging through the confidential files. One mainstream news outlet reports that the evidence was seized as part of an investigation into possible campaign finance violations and fraudulent business activity, though federal prosecutors have failed to offer specifics. A court document filed days later by federal prosecutors says the criminal probe into Cohen focuses on his “personal business dealings.”
Media outlet after media outlet praises Judge Wood, highlighting her stellar academic (Harvard Law and the London School of Economics) and judicial record. One report says Wood built a successful and storied judicial career spanning more than three decades. “She has handled numerous prominent cases, including the 1990 securities fraud case of so-called “junk bond king” Michael Milken, whom she sentenced to ten years before seeing his sentence reduced to two years,” the story reads. “Wood also presided over the US government’s headline-grabbing 2010 case against ten Russia spies, including photogenic redhead Anna Chapman, who was eventually deported in exchange for U.S. prisoners held in Russia.” Another mainstream news outlet describes Wood, Bill Clinton’s second choice to become attorney general in 1993, as one of the foremost jurists in the country.
A lengthy news magazine profile celebrates Wood for making a “splash” by ordering Cohen’s attorney to reveal that Fox News host Sean Hannity is a client. Wood has “sterling credentials,” according to the piece, which includes a Wall Street CEO sentenced for insider trading and 10 Russian spies pleading guilty among the judge’s high-profile cases. Some media affectionately refer to Wood as the “Love Judge” because she had an extramarital affair with a multimillionaire whose wife exposed a diary containing passionate details about his trysts with Wood. One New York newspaper clarifies that, despite being dubbed Love Judge, Wood is a “brilliant legal mind.”
It’s not entirely clear what Soros’ relationship with Wood is, but there must be some connection if the judge came to his home to participate in such a deeply personal event. Soros, who donated big bucks to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, says Trump is a danger to the world and accuses the commander-in-chief of trying to create a “mafia state” that suppresses individual rights. He also said that Trump will disappear in 2020 or sooner. As part of an ongoing investigation, Judicial Watch has uncovered U.S. government records that show American taxpayer dollars fund Soros’ various entities abroad designed to destabilize administrations viewed as too conservative. The probe was launched in early 2017 when Judicial Watch obtained files revealing that the Obama administration quietly spent millions of dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with Soros. In the following months Judicial Watch uncovered similar operations in Albania and Latin America.