Marxist Terrorists Say Obama Will Help Them
Already endorsed by two of Latin America’s communist leaders, Barrack Obama is a favorite among the region’s radical Marxist terrorists who believe the Illinois senator will help them if he becomes U.S. president.
Evidence seized during a Colombian military raid on the Marxist terrorist group known as Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (or its Spanish acronym FARC) reveals that the group’s top commandos are receiving aid from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and that they see “more help coming next year if Barack Obama becomes president.”
Renowned for bombings, murder, drug trafficking, kidnapping and extortion, FARC is Latin America’s oldest, most powerful and best-equipped insurgency of Marxist origin. The U.S. government refers to the group as a narco-terrorist organization and several of its members have been tried in American courts on serious drug charges.
Information on the guerilla group’s Obama ties, which the mainstream media is sure to ignore, came from the laptop computers of various high-ranking FARC leaders. The equipment was confiscated by Colombian government forces during a recent raid on a camp in the Ecuadorian jungle that killed 23 rebels and their commander.
A strong U.S. ally, Colombia has made the correspondence between the Marxist group’s most prominent members and leaders public by posting it on a government website. Written in Spanish, the exchanges mention Obama on several occasions.
One of the electronic mails says that “gringo” associates of FARC were scheduling a sit down with Obama to lobby him since the associates believe Obama will be the next president and he rejects the Bush Administration’s free trade agreement with Colombia as well as the current military aid program.
The Illinois senator is quite popular among Latin American communists who view him as a spokesman for millions of Central Americans and Mexicans who migrate to the U.S. Last month Nicaraguan leader Daniel Ortega, the head of the Marxist Sandinista Liberation Front, said Obama’s presidential bid is a “revolutionary” phenomenon in the United States because he will bring great change that will offer justice and equality toward all.
Last August the world’s longest ruling dictator, Cuba’s Fidel Castro, endorsed an Obama-Hillary Clinton ticket as unbeatable. Now the Democratic frontrunner rounds out his communist support with the backing of South America’s most violent terrorist guerrillas.