DOJ’s Georgia lawsuit is a weaponized version of critical race theory

From The Washington Times:
There’s more – and less – than meets the eye regarding the recent Department of Justice lawsuit filed against Georgia’s new election integrity law. The complaint alleges that several provisions of SB 202 were passed with a discriminatory purpose in violation of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.
The complaint relies heavily on the implication that Georgia is an inherently racist state. A DOJ press release refers to “Georgia’s history of discrimination against Black Georgians, demographic shifts in the state leading to an increase in the number of Black voters and other voters of color,” as well as “Black Georgians’ unprecedented recent successes in electing candidates of choice.” The lawsuit decries the state’s “history of racially polarized voting” and that many “elected officials in Georgia have not been responsive to the particularized needs of Black residents.” Even raising the question of fraud is evidence of racism, the lawsuit submits.
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